Friday, January 31, 2020

Title Research: ( Mission: Impossible-Fallout

-How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? 

Around 16 different titles are displayed during the opening sequence of the film

-What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?

Throughout the opening sequence there was a lot images that were passing by. They prioritized/ focused on, the stars and actors in this movie and also action set pieces that happens throughout the movie. 

-What connotations do the images carry?

This movie isn't a heavily story base movie. The movie is a straightforward action movie and the opening segment connotative meaning embodies that. The images are basically telling the audience, "This is a movie that has your favorite beloved actors and you are going to see them do cool stunts." It's simple yet effective.

-How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset? 

The outset heavily reinforced the genre in this movie. The title sequences were fast paced and in your face. They had great action scenes playing in the background as you read the directors name. They had flashy burning transitions that signified action. The whole opening segment was screaming "this is an action movie."

-How does the film establish an enigma from the outset?

The opening segment leaves the audience wanting. They only flash a few seconds of the action scenes so the audience wants to know what happens next. They allow you to get a quick glimpse at the actors. This keeps a sense of mystery for the audience. They are longing to see how events in the opening segment pan out and what their favorite actors do in the movie.

-What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?

The film uses fast and eye catching transitions to appeal to the action hungry audience. It appeals to the fans of the actors by giving the audience a glimpse of them. They play out the whole movie in the beginning but they do it in the way that the audience wants to see the in betweens. 

-How has technology been used effectively?

Technology is being used extremely effectively in this sense. The editing seems seamless. Action is synced with the music in a cool appealing way. The transitions use this burning effect that continues throughout the outset. The close up, medium and zoom ins of the actors and action is used perfectly at keeping the audience engaged. 
Image result for mission impossible fallout

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