There are many things that I have learned throughout all the previous projects that have helped with many other projects. I have learned how to work a camera and record the best that I could possibly do. I also learned how to how to completely work with my partners by building chemistry with every project that we do. I also learned how to edit to a certain extent to make our videos sharper and cleaner for visuals and sound quality. There are certain things I bring to the group to keep us focused and get through our work. I always involve myself in making sure everyone has a task to keep us all occupied and finish our work faster. I also involve myself into bringing the supplies to carry around for recording and bringing them all back. My role in the group isn't too much but it it keeps us flowing and not being stopped by any hitches. Our group functions on all of our contributions and each of us get work done when we're all on the same page.
A pitch is a Hollywood term to describe an idea where a film is encapsulated in 25 words or less. This is also known as an elevator pitch and is usually within one sentence. The first pitch idea that we came up with is based off an Iranian war. One day the main character receives mail that states that he’s been drafted to the next world war against Iran and after he forgets government officials knock at his door giving him the option to either fight in the war or go to jail for life. For our second pitch we thought that we could possibly make a film out of a guy who’s a rapper and is angry at his mentor for murdering his father and he makes and oath to get revenge. Lastly, we thought that it would be cool to make a film about a student and his sensei. The beginning of the film would be a flashback from the sensei fighting his student and losing to him. The student has seen how strong he is and wants to use his power for evil. The sensei gets help from an old friend and realizes that they have to team up and wipe his memory of the martial arts he’s learned. As a group, we’ve decided that our last pitch is more thought out and would be manageable to create.
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